A new Road to the Olympics: Cognitive Training will pave the way

The Road to the Olympics has begun. On the 15th and the 16th of February a new Erasmus+ project, Road to Olympics (RtO),  was kicked off, with a meeting hosted by Kinetic Analysis in Breda, Netherlands. Partners, including the project leader The International Centre Sports Mental Coaching (Spain), the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, Olympiacos SPF (Greece), EPSI (Belgium) and the Technological University of Shannon (Ireland), discussed the importance of this project co-funded by the EU that will be implemented for the next 2 years.

The project targets Ukranian pre-olympian athletes, using Cognitive Training techniques to strenghten their mental skills. Considering the challenging situation their country is experiencing, the projects hopes to implement mind coaching techniques, to prevent athletes’ performance level from dropping.

During the first day of the kick-off meeting, participants had the opportunity of networking, creating the basis for a positive working relationship. The leaders introduced the project and the technology they developed at the International Centre, to strenghten cognitive skills. The second day saw a practical demonstration of the different variants of NeuroTracker, a cognitive training tool that will be instrumental for the implementation of the project. As well as NeuroTracker, other technologies that will be fundamental parts of the project were presented to participants, including IDRO and SportsLapp, by Kinetic Analysis. These tools will be used to collect and analyse data on athletes performance levels.

The involvement of Ukrainian athletes and coaches will be ensured by the presence within the project Consortium of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. In a spirit of inclusion and aggregation, the project’s scope will also be open to non-Ukrainian athletes and coaches. Around 30 athletes from Ukraine and 10 from Greece will be selected to take part in the project, as well as some coaches. They will have access to training sessions held in Madrid (Spain) and Athens (Greece), which will be hosted by project partners in the next two years. The Cognitive Training methodology, developed by the International Centre, will be adapted to the needs of the participants and implemented throughout the project lifetime. The project outcomes will be scientifically evaluated. Lastly, a collection of guidelines on cognitive and mental training will be elaborated to give a Europe-wide resonance to the importance of cognitive and mental training.ù

This important project pushes the accelerator further on the sports innovation front, one that can have such a positive impact on the life of people impacted by war, to hopefully keep them on the path to become Olympians.

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